Understanding the flu visas and how to clean to minimize exposure is important for janitorial services and your office. The flu virus may be a tough and resilient while it’s inside your body, outside your body it simply is not. The way the flu is structured, it simply isn’t very resilient. There have been studies of how long significant amounts of flu germs can survive on surfaces. Estimates range from a few minutes up to 24 hours, depending on the type of surface. I know this does not sound logical but it is fact, the flu virus lasts longest on hard surfaces. The flu is nothing like some of the nasty gastrointestinal viruses, like the common cruise ship virus, norovirus. Some of those viruses can survive on an object for months and withstand cleaning with bleach. Our janitorial services are focused on reducing exposure for your employees.
Using the proper chemicals and techniques can greatly reduce the spread of the flu virus in your office. We train our janitors in the proper techniques to make sure that we are minimizing any exposure in your office by using proper office cleaning techniques.