Many companies are interested in green cleaning.
Clients have the option of Green janitorial services programs in their facilities. Simply put, Green Cleaning is defined as cleaning to protect health while minimizing the effect on the environment. Experience’s goal is to protect the health of your building occupants, visitors and cleaning personnel, as well as reducing polluting effects on our air and water. Green Cleaning is more than just using “green” products. It can encompass a total program including chemicals, procedures, equipment, paper, liners, mops, matting, everything used in an effective cleaning program.
The movement toward Green Cleaning does not imply that traditional methods are inadequate or have created unsafe conditions. Instead it can be viewed as simply taking the next step beyond our current approaches to further reduce polluting impacts while continuing to maintain and improve the healthfulness, comfort and aesthetics of our surroundings.
The primary benefit of Green Cleaning is its emphasis on cleaning for health, not just appearance. A cleaner and healthier building is our common goal. A healthier indoor environment translates into many concrete, benefits for building owners, managers, service personnel and building occupants.
80% of our time is spent indoors. A healthy indoor environment improves morale among existing employees, reduces turnover and facilitates recruitment of new personnel. Working in a healthy environment, results in less absenteeism, greater productivity and a better bottom line.
Experience can customize your Green Clean Program to fit your company’s needs. We will use only the safest products needed to perform our cleaning tasks. Our product selection is based on the performance of the products, the impact on health and the indoor environment, type of facility, and finally the impact on the outside environment.